5 Tips for a Successful First Day at a New OT Site

Let’s talk about first day feels

Raise your hand if you can vividly remember how you felt during your first day in a new setting. I’ll be the first to raise mine - I remember those feelings clear as day! 

Whether you’re a student preparing to start fieldwork or a practitioner starting a new clinical role I think we ALL can relate to those first day jitters! I hesitate to ever say something is normal - but this I’m gonna go ahead and say it is normal - even if you’re excited to be there. It’s hard to know exactly what to expect or how to prepare but if you’re wondering just what you should even DO, keep reading!

  1. Introduce yourself…to everyone: I know this may be a given and you’re like well of course I’d introduce myself but honestly it can be easy to just think people will come up to you. Especially if you’re an introvert (which - believe it or not, I am a total introvert especially in new environments). Usually your clinical instructor or mentor will introduce you but if so, don’t wait - go ahead and introduce yourself as the new student or new provider on the team and let them know you’re excited to be there. Remember a little enthusiasm goes a long way! 

  2. Listen & Observe: I am definitely more of a sit back and observe person especially in a new environment. I really am never one to jump right in the midst of everything but kudos to people who do! I tend to listen more than I speak because I truly believe you can learn a lot just by what you see and hear. When you do listen & observe that first day you’re able to get a sense of the setting’s culture which is so key in making sure you have a good experience during your time in the setting. 

  3. Ask questions: Although I encourage you to listen & observe, it is absolutely okay to ask questions on your first day! I love asking questions because I think it expresses excitement to be there and who doesn’t love a new excited student or provider!? Well, maybe grumpy people but in general, excitement and enthusiasm is contagious! On the more practical side, asking questions helps you to gain clarification and confidence as you move forward and continue learning the ropes around the setting. Of course depending on the setting, the questions you ask will be different so I encourage you to reach out to some OT colleagues practicing in that setting to get a sense of things you should plan to ask about.

  4. Take notes: Make sure you have a handy dandy note pad! First days can be overwhelming because there’s so much you’ve gotta cover. Although you think you’re going to be able to remember it all, there’s so many little details that are easy to forget. I always kept a notepad and scribbled down everything I learned during the day or questions I wanted to ask so I wouldn’t forget. 

  5. Focus on rapport building: If you jump right into treating patients - which, be prepared because this may happen - don’t panic! You’re not expected to get it perfectly, I promise. Focus on building rapport with the client. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some of my favorite areas to talk about: daily routine, client strengths, client goals, hobbies and passions. The same goes for the rehab department, too - focus on building rapport with your new colleagues you’ll be working with.

The first day on a new job or clinical is full of all the feels - and nerves! Remember, it’s perfectly okay to feel overwhelmed on the inside, that doesn’t mean you’re not any less prepared or not ready to be there. You can do this. 

P.S. If you’re preparing to start your first day in early intervention, you can check out our podcast episode called “First Day Tips: Before You Walk Through the Door”. The first session with a new family can be exciting but it can also be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. There are so many factors to keep in mind, before you even set foot in the door. This episode (episode 16) lays out considerations and tips to help you prepare for your first session with a family before you even set foot in the door. Listen to that episode HERE.

Amirra Johnson